Trecchi Human Academy

Trecchi Human Lab hosts workshops and seminars in every field of Medicine and Health Professions.
EV is a CME National Provider credited by the Agenas National Committee.
Our thirty-year experience in the sector of Medical Education is a guarantee of the quality of courses.
The international status of our Scientific Committee ensures the participants the highest standards of education.

Upcoming Courses


Corso Pratico di Otochirurgia e Radiologia su Preparato Anatomico - XVI edizione

September 10-13, 2024
Centro Studi - Palazzo Trecchi - Cremona

Sold out


Anatomia Chirurgica dei Tumori Testa-Collo: Corso Teorico-Pratico di Dissezione Anatomica

September 16-17, 2024
Centro Studi - Palazzo Trecchi - Cremona

New Edition


Master di Chirurgia Vertebrale Spinale: Approcci Anteriori

September 20-22, 2024
Centro Studi - Palazzo Trecchi - Cremona

New Edition

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Trecchi Human Academy Educational Offer