Trecchi Human Academy

Trecchi Human Lab hosts workshops and seminars in every field of Medicine and Health Professions.
EV is a CME National Provider credited by the Agenas National Committee.
Our thirty-year experience in the sector of Medical Education is a guarantee of the quality of courses.
The international status of our Scientific Committee ensures the participants the highest standards of education.

Upcoming Courses


Corso di Dissezione Anatomica ed Anatomia Chirurgica dell'Arto Superiore - 3^ Settimana

January 13-16, 2025
Centro Studi - Palazzo Trecchi - Cremona

Dentistry / Chirurgia maxillo-facciale (umana)

Corso di Tecniche Chirurgiche Implantari su Preparati Anatomici Umani

January 17-18, 2025
Centro Studi - Palazzo Trecchi - Cremona

New Edition


XVII Edizione Corso pratico di Otochirurgia e Radiologia su Preparato Anatomico

January 21-24, 2025
Centro Studi Palazzo Trecchi Cremona

Sold out

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Trecchi Human Academy Educational Offer