

Corso Pratico Trecchi Human Academy

European Cadaver Dissection Course

23-28 novembre 2025
Centro Studi Palazzo Trecchi Cremona Mappa
Massimo 62 partecipanti

The course is promoted by the Confederation of the European Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, as part of its educational projects aimed at supporting the continuous training and education of European ENT specialists. The program is structured into three main modules: Head and Neck Surgery, Endoscopic Sinonasal Surgery, and Otologic Surgery.
Each dissection session will be preceded by detailed instructional videos, providing clear and step-by-step guidance to facilitate the learning process. Hands-on training will be supported by a dedicated tutor assigned to every two dissection stations, ensuring personalized supervision.
The course includes a total of 13 stations accommodating two participants per station for the first two modules and 10 stations with one participant each for the third module. The dissection program is designed to be flexible and adaptable, tailored to meet the specific needs and expertise levels of each participant.

Comitato Scientifico

Vittorio Rampinelli

Daniele Borsetto

Pietro Canzi

Sarah Atallah


Jan Plzàk

Per Cayé-Thomasen

Termine ultimo per la preiscrizione: 18 novembre 2025

Evento a numero chiuso. Numero massimo di partecipanti: 62.

The participation fee includes:
- participation to the course as scheduled in the program
- lunch/lunches as scheduled in the program
- social dinner (one per module)
- disposable material before entering in the wet lab
- certificate of attendance

Registration Module 1 - Head & Neck Surgery (23/24 November 2025)
€ 750,00 IVA compresa
Registration Module 2 - Endoscopic Sinonasal Surgery (25/26 November 2025)
€ 750,00 IVA compresa
Registration Module 3 - Otologic Surgery (27/28 November 2025)
€ 750,00 IVA compresa
Registration Module 1 + Module 2 (Head & Neck + Endoscopic Sinonasal Surgery)
€ 1.500,00 IVA compresa
Registration Module 1 + Moudule 3 (Head & Neck + Otologic Surgery)
€ 1.500,00 IVA compresa
Registration Module 2 + Module 3 (Endoscopic Sinonasal Surgery + Otologic Surgery)
€ 1.500,00 IVA compresa
Registration Module 1 + Module 2 + Module 3
€ 2.250,00 IVA compresa

Iscrizione on line

Per ulteriori informazioni puoi rivolgerti a

Trecchi Human Academy (segreteria)
Tel.: +39 0372 403555